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    HOTEL PRO   


Hotel and Hospitality Resource Management System



Hotel Pro® is a comprehensive Hotel Management System designed for large to small scale Hotels, Motels, Hospitality Franchises and Independents. Hotel Pro® has in-built Hotel Software flexibility and accounting of daily audits and operations. Its high occupancy levels and Guest traffic create a large number of transactions, postings, pre-authorizations, and Credit Card Settlements. It has fast, accurate, Check-in and Check-out screens to help manage the most demanding Front Desk environment. The software is very easy to use. Training of new users or existing personnel is easy to manage and will not require time consuming training sessions.


Fast, accurate reservation entry
Call Accounting, Credit Card, and PBX interfaces
Internet, GDS, Web site, and ASP solutions
Group and Room Blocks reservations
Room/Tape Chart reservations
Advanced deposit tracking, with e-mail confirmations
Simple Night Audit, shift reporting, and transaction reports
Separate Room / incidental charges billing
Pre-post room charges and advanced payment at check-in
Multi-rate setup features for all types of rate structure
Open Folios for easy management of charges, adjustments, and payments
Available, Reserved, and Occupancy %'s for reservation management
Wait List by room type and date
Extensive Guest Information for future reservations and marketing mailings
Windows OS


Setting up Room / Package Rates in Hotel Pro® is very powerful and as detailed as you require. Rates by date and Holidays, day of the week, season, and type of Guest are a few popular rate settings that can be accomplished in Hotel Pro® Rates setup Module. Detailed Packages can post charges with or without taxes, per line item. Accounting and reporting packages really helps manage your revenue by department. Hotels/Motels need to control their rate plans, as well as override rates for special situations.


Hotel Pro® reservation module is the strong foundation that manages advanced deposits, room blocks, groups, and room/tape chart reservations. Reservations management is key to a successfully managed property. The software allows you to send e-mail confirmation letters through your Internet provider and to broadcast thousands of e-mails to your past guests. Guest data is saved with marketing codes, guest types, and category. These codes can be implemented in marketing program off-season.


Hotels and Motels need to manage and integrate their phone systems to protect against phone abuse as well as up-charge all guest phone calls. Hotel Pro® can post all phone calls to a Guest's bill 24/7, and setup wakeup calls through its Call Accounting Interface Software products and interfaces. Hotel Pro® will integrate with your existing PBX, and call accounting software.


Credit Card Processing, and settlement processing is completely integrated with Hotel Pro® Software. You may continue to use your existing Bank and Processor.


Hotel Pro® Internet, and or Central Reservation Interface can be configured to import reservations from all Franchise Flags and Independent small chains.


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